Livestream Training Sessions with Dave Anderson








Missed one of our past livestream training sessions? No worries! You can get caught up by downloading the recordings below.


How to Cast a Viable Vision


A leader's job is to see further, sooner, and more, than his or her people and define direction for the team. A viable vision unites the team around a common purpose, lends meaning to each day for every associate within an organization, and converts jobs into campaigns and causes. In this Livestream, Dave shares basic tenets of creating a compelling vision for your organization. 


This virtual livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave
  • A downloadable, interactive handout that follows along with the session


Download the Recording



The Phenomenon of Personal Development


Too many people miss their potential because they wait for things to change, rather than intentionally changing how they think and what they do. This program outlines two key sectors of personal development, as well as a framework for more intentionally growing yourself in three vital areas. 


This virtual livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave
  • A downloadable, interactive handout that follows along with the session


Download the Recording



Enhancing Discipline, Habits, and Consistency



Discipline shapes habits and habits fuel consistency that can enhance performance results in all work/life vital arenas. In this session Dave will share strategies for maximizing all three of these essential success traits. 


This virtual livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave
  • A downloadable, interactive handout that follows along with the session


Download the Recording



Six Steps to Survive Success


Success is an intoxicant, and intoxicated people don't behave rationally. It can lull even the best into a false sense of complacency, and naturally cause them to let up when things are doing well - when losing precious personal or business momentum hurts the most. In this Livestream, Dave provides six steps essential for surviving success and continuing to climb higher when you're doing well. 


This virtual livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave 
  • A downloadable handout that follows along with the session.


Download the Recording



How to Deal with Difficult People


Regardless of whether they're customers, co-workers, or worse yet, family members, difficult people - the stubborn, obnoxious, and belligerent (S.O.B.s) - can take you out of your zone and drain your time, energy, enthusiasm, and more. The existence of difficult people is a personal and business fact of life, and in this Livestream Dave shares key insights to help deal with them effectively.


This virtual livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave
  • A downloadable handout that follows along with the session.


Download the Recording


Six Ways to Get Out of Ruts - and Stay Out!


Ruts are never the result of something you did last night, but are created by a series of accumulative actions over time. In this Livestream, Dave gives immediately applicable steps - starting with re-energizing your thinking and focus - to get out of a personal or business rut, and to keep rolling so the rut you're in is your last one.


This virtual livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave
  • A downloadable handout that follows along with the session.


 Download the Recording



Six Strategies for Leading "Soft" People


Many competent, high-integrity people are often overly sensitive in a manner that makes it difficult to give them feedback, correct their performance, apply consequences, and hold them accountable - among other things. This stifles both the person and the team's growth. In this Livestream Dave offers strategies for tweaking your approach and creating the conditions that help you bring the best out of that person. 


This virtual livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave  
  • A downloadable handout that follows along with the session. 


Download the Recording



How to Accomplish More by Detaching from Outcomes


We can "choke" in sales or business, just like in sports, when our concern over outcomes inhibits our ability to execute. In this Livestream, Dave discusses the mental and structural strategies necessary to win the moment and watch the outcomes take care of themselves - and to coach others to do likewise. 


This virtual livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave
  • A downloadable handout that follows along with the session.


Download the Recording



How to Earn Buy-in to Change


The best idea, process, strategy or goal isn't worth much if people don't buy into it. In this session Dave presents specific steps you can take to set up change intentionally and wisely, introduce it effectively, and overcome resistance that may ensue throughout the process.


This virtual livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave 
  • A downloadable handout that follows along with the session


Download the Recording 



How to More Effectively Motivate Yourself and Others


Keeping yourself and others motivated is a persistent challenge both during times of difficulty as well as prosperity. It’s essential to develop habits and disciplines to generate more motivation from the inside-out, and to become less dependent on external stimuli for daily motivation; and to coach others in your life to do likewise. This program will outline ten simple steps that create and sustain your personal motivation day-in and day-out, while helping you to impart the same principles to others. You’ll learn:


  • Why goals themselves aren’t enough to keep you motivated and how to put deeper roots behind your personal and business goals.
  • How tomorrow’s motivation starts with a simple discipline you do today.
  • The importance of shifting your focus off outcomes for more consistent motivation.
  • How what you don’t listen to, watch, and associate with has as much impact on your personal motivation as the things you do.
  • What you must avoid to stop demotivating others so they can stay motivated.
  • Much more!


This virtual livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave
  • A downloadable handout that follows along with the session


Download the Recording



No-Nonsense Leadership: Five Tough-Love Strategies for Leading at a Higher Level


In a world where political correctness, entitlement and considering baseline effort as "heroic" are increasingly prevalent, leaders must work harder to reshape their leadership style and culture to maximize performance. In this program Dave outlines five key points (including the FAIR technique for balancing firmness, accountability, instruction, and respect) with supporting analogies to help you in your endeavor. We do not recommend this program for those overly sensitive or quick to take offense.


This virtual livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave
  • A downloadable handout that follows along with the session


Download the Recording



Five Steps to Make Each Day a Masterpiece


Any journey to greatness starts with a key understanding that in order to consistently achieve personal and professional goals you've never reached before, you must consistently do DAILY what you've never done before. In short, the goal must be to make each day a masterpiece. In this livestream Dave shares 5 steps to make every day a masterpiece - and every day means every day!  


  • How to get your mindset right early in the day
  • Maximize your moments both at work, and at home with pre/post work routines
  • Get "from" your days rather than "through" them
  • And more!


This virtual livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave
  • A downloadable handout that follows along with the session


Download the Recording


How to Eliminate Hiring Errors


Because the cost of hiring errors is staggering, the ability to assess and hire great people, while weeding out "polished pretenders" is one of a leader's most important roles. You must have the right plan, structure, skillset, and mindset. This session covers all these aspects in very specific detail: 


  • The ONE key to developing the most effective interview mindset.
  • How to use effective interview psychology to improve your image and leverage
  • The most effective interview question samples
  • The best questioning techniques to weed out exaggeration
  • How to make the best candidates want to choose your workplace
  • How to determine if the candidate has the "Five Unteachables"
  • And more!


This virtual livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave
  • A downloadable handout that follows along with the session


Download the Recording


How to Turn Around Poor Performance


The costs that poor performance inflicts on your organization aren't a one-time-lump-sum payment; rather, it's misery on the installment plan. Poor performance persists in picking your pocket daily in the form of: lost production, broken momentum, lower employee morale, weakened brand and personal credibility, and more. It's a leader's duty to deal with poor performance quickly, professionally, humanely, and effectively, and in this Livestream Dave shows you how to confront and turn around poor performance.  


  • Learn steps to prevent poor performance in the first place.
  • Learn how to address poor performance with confidence, firmness, and tact; including sample word tracks.
  • Learn how to handle the top performer that violates your values.
  • And more!


This livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave himself
  • A downloadable handout that follows along with the training

 Download the Recording



How to Become a Master of Time Management


Too many people have to work longer hours because they're not effective enough during normal hours. They major in minor things, confuse speed with direction, mistake motion for progress, and think activity is accomplishment. Their primary result of this "glorification of busyness" is to be tired and unfulfilled too often. In this Livestream, Dave shares his personal strategies for mastering your time, making each day a masterpiece, and taking your results to an entirely new level - in less time. 


  • Learn the key to executing priorities and the Power of "No."
  • Determine your daily non-negotiable, and most productive activities.
  • Keep focused and intense by developing more awareness of your "zone."


This livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave himself
  • A downloadable handout that follows along with the training

You can download a copy of recording here




Two Key Pillars for a High Accountability, Higher Performance Culture


Your culture always provides someone an edge: you or your competition. In this livestream, Dave covers the two non-negotiable pillars for creating a high accountability, higher performance culture. Dave will clearly define each pillar and provide multiple strategies to support and leverage them for better DAILY performance. The techniques are immediately actionable and will quickly improve team focus, morale, and execution. In uncertain times there is LESS MARGIN FOR ERROR. This is why NOW is the time to focus on the components of your culture that will improve both accountability and performance, and provide you with a significant competitive advantage in your marketplace in the months ahead. 


  • Refocus and maximize each team member's results
  • Maximize each opportunity
  • Maximize each day
  • Strengthen your culture and credibility


This livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave himself
  • A downloadable handout that follows along with the training

Key Pillars Download Recording



How to Recover from a Crisis...and Be Better Than you Were Before!


Gain the skills you need to not just recover from this current crisis, but make it pay you and position yourself to be better than you were before. In this session, Dave covered six strategies for shifting your - and your team's - mindset from being the "bag" to the "boxer;" accelerating momentum; consolidating positive change; unifying the team; and using the lessons and opportunities of the current crisis as a catalyst to become BETTER than you were before it began.


  • Jumpstart, refocus, and inspire yourself!
  • Run up the score while the competition sits on the ball.
  • Create a six-point game plan to make the lessons and opportunities of the current crisis pay you for years to come.


This livestream training includes:

  • 45 minutes of live teaching from Dave himself
  • A downloadable handout that follows along with the training

Recover from a crisis download


Enjoy this excerpt from our Livestream on How to Recover from a Crisis...and Be Better Than You Were Before."