Featuring Dave Anderson and Ryan "The Killer" Cota, this informal, talk-show-format series dives into brutally candid conversations on personal development and tough love leadership. And from time to time a high-performing, high-profile guest will join Dave fireside to share his or her wisdom on topic episodes.
If you're tired of tiptoeing around sensitive issues and obstacles that make it tougher to grow yourself and your team, you'll find Fireside Chats & Rants refreshing, energizing, and instructive in your quest to live a Game Changer's life and help others on their journey! The content is applicable to everyone in any endeavor - regardless your age, background, industry, or education - seeking to become more than they are so they can get more than they've got.
No academic theories.
No political correctness.
No warm and fuzzy fluff.
Just unvarnished and immediately applicable takeaways for the thick-skinned (not the thick-skulled)! Fireside Chats & Rants is a fun and entertaining way to grow and train:
New episodes post the 5th of each month, and subscribers gain online access to view each of Season One's twelve episodes. Review Season One's lineup below:
Don't expect things to get easier for you if you remain the same. It gets easier when you get better.
Season One's lineup of twelve high-impact, twenty-minute episodes include:
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